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How to Make Crystal Elixir Moon Water

Full Moon

What is Crystal Elixir Moon Water and why should you be making it? A crystal elixir is simply drinking water that has been infused with the essence of crystals to enhance the water with the metaphysical properties of the crystals that are being used. When you make a crystal elixir, you can add to the benefits by setting it out in the full moon overnight so that you have an even stronger elixir. This may sound magical, but it is really a simple technique that many have used for a very long time and there is no magic needed. (Although it can be fun to pretend)

Crystal elixirs, also known as Gem Water, will absorb the healing properties of the crystal's vibrations and infuse it into the water when made properly. Then the crystal infused water can be stored and kept fresh in the refrigerator for up to two days. You can drink the water, use it for cleansing items, wash your face, or add it to your bath water for a healing soak. Place the water in a spray bottle and mist your sacred space to help raise the vibration of your home or work space.

Why make Full Moon water with your crystal elixirs? The full moon has healing properties and amplifies energy, both positive and negative. The moon rules our emotions. Have you ever experienced a shift in your mood during a full moon? Or have you heard about nurses and police officers dreading working the night shift during a full moon? This is because we are made up of up to 60% water. Think about how the moon affects the tide, now imagine the effects it can have on our bodies.

When the moon is full, it is at it's strongest. This is a great time to cleanse your crystals and also to make a SUPER CHARGED Elixir! When deciding on what type of crystals to use in your elixirs, the possibilities are endless. You can create custom blends of crystal infused water based on your own needs or desires.

*Please note however, that some crystals are TOXIC and should never be ingested.

When making a crystal elixir, there are two methods. The Direct and Indirect Methods. I do not recommend the direct method unless you are highly educated on crystals and their individual properties. Even when you know a crystal is safe to be added directly to water and safe to be ingested, you may be unaware that it has trace elements of other crystals mixed in with it, making it unsafe.

Direct Method


1. Pick a glass or crystal container, NO plastic

2. Use distilled water, enough to fill the container you are using

3. Pick a variety of crystals that you are drawn to, making sure they are safe to be ingested, non-toxic, safe to be placed in water (some crystals like selinite will dissolve when wet)

4. Place your crystals directly into the glass container filled with water.

5. Seal the top or cover it lightly to keep the water fresh

6. Allow the crystals to infuse the water for up to 24 hours, the longer you leave the crystals, the stronger the elixir will become.


Indirect Method


1. Pick a glass or crystal container, NO plastic

2. Use distilled water, enough to fill the container you are using

3. Pick a variety of crystals that you are drawn to, get creative

4. Place the crystals around the OUTSIDE of the glass/crystal container, so that the crystals are not touching the water. You can have them touching the glass, stacked up on top of other crystals, in a grid pattern, or however you feel led, use your intuition

5. Seal the top or cover it lightly to keep the water fresh

6. Allow the crystals to infuse the water for up to 24 hours, the longer you leave the crystals, the stronger the elixir will become.

7. If you are making a full moon crystal elixir, you will want to place the container and crystals surrounding it either outside on the night before, the night of, or the night after a full moon. The container does not have to be in direct moon light and it does not matter if the sky is cloudy but please be careful to leave your crystals outside in bad weather, especially if they will dissolve if wet. You can also place the container with crystals around it in a window sill, and it will still receive the moon's energy to amplify the elixir.

8. After you have waited a minimum of 2 hours up to 24, you can remove the crystals and use your crystal elixir.

*Remember the elixir will start to loose it's charge after approximately 2 days, so it is best to use immediately. Are you Reiki Certified? If so, add an even stronger energetic element and Reiki charge your crystals before placing them and then Reiki charge your elixir after it has finished!

However you decide to make your crystal elixirs, I hope you give it a try.

Thanks for stopping by. You can reach me for Reiki treatments, classes and workshops as well as other holistic therapies like EFT therapy, Coaching Services, Intuitive Readings, Spiritual Development Program, Empath Training, Crystal Therapy and Crystal Grid Work at my website HERE

Bernadette Klemm, RMT

Usui, Karuna Ki & Animal Reiki Master Teacher

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