Professional Service · Alternative & Holistic Health Service ·Reiki

Currently accepting new clients and students
But due to Covid I am only working distantly until further notice.
Distant Attunement to
Non-Traditional Reiki Symbols
If you are certified as a Usui Reiki Level 2 Practitioner or a Reiki Master chances are you have only been attuned to the 3-4 Traditional Usui Reiki Symbols. I was fortunate to have several Reiki Master Teachers. I was attuned to several Non-Traditional Reiki Symbols as part of my extensive training. I now include these Non-Traditional Symbols as part of my Usui Level 2 Class. I love working with their energy so I have decided to offer a separate attunement to other practitioners who may be interested in working with some of these symbols in their own Reiki Practice. If you are interested in scheduling a distant attunement to one or more of these symbols please email or call me. When deciding to offer this as a service, I felt it was important to offer this in conjunction with a distant treatment so I could make sure your chakras are open and ready to receive the attunement. I will work with you to make sure you understand how to draw and use the symbols. These attunements are done distantly and afterwards you will be able to include them in your daily practice. *I do not do distant Chi Ball Attunements, I perform these attunements similarly to my distant treatments. I am committed to the scheduled time to work with you one on one in real time. Before scheduling this service, I will need a copy of your current level of Reiki in order to verify that you have been attuned to at least a Level 2. (This can be emailed)
If you are interested in being attuned to all of these symbols, it could be cost effective for you to take my Usui Level 2 Class which also comes with Animal Reiki Certification and the Distant Reiki Workshop at no additional charge. The cost of my Usui Reiki Level 2 is $222.
You can review the symbols below and if you are interested, please contact me to schedule this service.
Each Distant Attunement comes with a Distant Reiki Chakra Balance to open your chakras to prepare you for the attunement. You can combine any combination of symbols to create the attunement that you want. *A small processing fee will be added to your invoice.
1 Symbol: $65.00
2 Symbols: $75.00
3 Symbols: $85.00
4 Symbols: $95.00
5 Symbols: $105.00
6 Symbols: $115.00
7 Symbols: $125.00
8 Symbols: $135.00
ALL 9 Symbols: $145.00

The Zonar symbol represents infinity, timeless, ageless, perpetual and eternal. It is drawn as the letter Z with the last stroke rising up into the infinity sign drawn three times across the center of the Z. This symbol is used for past life issues and karmic and inter-dimensional problems that are difficult to define. Often there are problems and issues manifesting in our present life that are leftover remnants from a previous life or lives. I also use this symbol for healing on a cellular level, clients who have been abused as children, and when there are karmic issues that need to be released.

The Johre symbolizes white light. It is used to release blockages, for protection and to transfer healing white light. The symbol can be added to the Reiki Sandwich to send healing energy and protection across space and time. This symbol feels very gentle and loving. I like to use this symbol for clients who need emotional healing as well as those who are looking to develop their spiritual gifts. I like to draw this symbol over the crown chakra at the beginning of the treatment, place it in the heart chakra for emotional issues, and seal the client with it at the end of the treatment as I set my intentions that Reiki continues to flow for as long as it is needed and wrap them up with the healing energy of this symbol. This symbol is difficult to draw so try to project the symbol from your third eye chakra. Draw from top to bottom as shown.

OM is a Sanskrit symbol used for protection, healing and meditation and by different Eastern spiritual practices, including yoga. Om represents the sound of the universe and is frequently chanted. It sounds like “ah-oh-mm” or “aum.” Some Reiki branches, including Karuna Reiki, use this symbol. Listening to or chanting the sound “om” helps to connect spiritually. Some Reiki masters play om chanting music during the attunement process, or during a healing session. I like to use this symbol at the Crown Chakra at the beginning of a treatment to open them up to unlimited possibilities.

Considered a Master symbol by Buddhist monks who use it for exorcism. Motor means to go in while Zanon means to come out. This symbol is used for viruses, infections and Aids. When the motor goes in, the little squiggle catches the virus or bacteria. The Zanon symbol is then drawn and it reverses polarity and leaves the body taking the virus or bacteria with it. Draw the Reiki Sandwich as Follows: 1) CKR 2) Motor Zanon 3) Reverse CKR. (CKR+MZ+RCKR).

This symbol is used for grounding and can be used at the end of each reiki treatment session. Certain Reiki branches use Raku, a Tibetan symbol, to close the connection between teacher and student after attunements. Similar to a lightning stroke, it focuses and grounds (brings into the earth) energy. This symbol is also incorporated into the Tibetan Dai Ko Myo (Tibetan Master symbol) and in an elongated form in the Tibetan Fire Serpent which are taught in the third degree. I also like to use this symbol to disconnect me from my client whether in person or distantly. If you are an Empath, this symbol is wonderful at discharging other people's energy that you have picked up so you don't take it on as your own. It is a quick cleansing technique that allows you to take action preventing unwanted energetic cords from attaching.

Pronounced LEN SO MY this symbol represents pure unconditional love and is used for emotional problems and situations. The symbol is normally placed over the heart chakra.
Draw the figure eight (8) first followed by the dickey-bow shape. Remember to draw from top to bottom, left to right. Because of the loving energy of this symbol, I like to use it with my clients who are grieving and also for working with timeline Reiki to heal past traumas.

This symbol is drawn in a clockwise direction unlike the traditional Usui CKR which is drawn anticlockwise. When used together the two CKR’s are similar to the double helix found in DNA. The double helix of the DNA is both clockwise and anti-clockwise. The chakras also radiate outwards from the center of the body similar to the double helix with the narrowest section at the center. In Karuna Ki Reiki, this symbol combined with the CKR is called Kriya. It is used for grounding, manifesting goals, and creating priorities so you can focus on what you need to do. I like to end my treatments using the Kriya symbol (CKR + RCKR) on my client's legs to ground their energy.

Also known as the Tibetan Fire Serpent, this symbol represents the Ki energy travelling up the spine from the root chakra. It is used for spinal and back problems and is said to be good for menopause. To draw the fire dragon you begin at the base and draw an anti-clockwise spiral two and a half times. Continue the line upwards in a series of waves. Complete the symbol with a horizontal line across the top drawn from left to right. The Fire Dragon’s surging upward spiral of energy cleanses and joins the chakras. This symbol is often used during the attunement ceremony. It can be drawn to help awaken the Kundalini as well. I have used this symbol drawn starting at the crown going down to the root or starting at the root going up to the crown chakra. This is a great symbol to help those who struggle to maintain balance in their chakras because it helps to align them simultaneously.

Harth is the symbol for love, truth, beauty and harmony. It can be used to dissolve negative patterns we unconsciously use to insulate ourselves from the truth, thus shattering delusion and denial. The Harth Symbol clears and opens the channels to higher consciousness. Often known as the master symbol as it is used in some initiation ceremonies by the Reiki Master. All strokes are from left to right, top to bottom. This symbol is wonderful for helping heal relationships of all kinds. It also works well with developing good habits, working on addictions, developing compassionate action and for contacting spiritual beings.