Professional Service · Alternative & Holistic Health Service ·Reiki

Currently accepting new clients and students
But due to Covid I am only working distantly until further notice.
Bernadette Klemm, RMT
About Me Click Here:

I began my career as a nurse in 1994. In 2013 I began working as a Professional Reiki Practitioner. I was certified as a Usui & Animal Reiki Master Teacher in 2015 and as a Karuna Ki Reiki Master Teacher in 2018. I offer a variety of Reiki & Holistic treatment options as well as teach all levels of Reiki in the Usui Shiki Ryoho & Karuna Ki Reiki traditions. I am also an intuitive reader and offer Crystal Therapy. I am a proud member of the Wellness Universe. I am the owner of Inspired Zen, an online retail store for lightworkers where I sell Reiki teaching materials to other Reiki Master Teachers as well as products for those seeking a more Zen Lifestyle. My products include collections for Reiki, Crystals, Jewelry, Yoga, Meditation, Aromatherapy and more.
Reiki Distance Healing
As a Reiki Master, distance Healing allows me the opportunity to work with people regardless of their location. I have clients all over the world. Energy is not limited to time or space. Some people prefer distant treatments because they can relax in the comfort of their own home and don't have to worry about disturbing their relaxed state after a treatment by leaving my office. Distant Reiki is a great option and allows me the opportunity to offer more treatment times to my busy clients.
Hands-on Reiki
With my Hands-on Reiki treatment, you will lie down fully clothed on my Reiki table and I will use light touch or a hands off technique to work on you. I use aromatherapy to aid in your relaxation. The goal with Reiki is to reduce stress, allowing your parasympathetic nervous system to take over which stops the flow of stress hormones and allows healing to occur. Reiki works on you mind, body & spirit, always for your highest good. Common benefits include: reduced stress & anxiety, improves sleep, promotes pain reduction, peace of mind & body, increases rate of recovery from injury, strengthens immune system, energizes & balances the body.
Crystal Therapy
Holistic medicine is a broad range of medical practices that are based on many years of tradition. I’m trained in a variety of holistic techniques that will surely help to improve your mind, body and spirit. Crystal Therapy is a technique that employs stones and crystals. I will select the crystals by color or their metaphysical qualities and place them on or below the body. The selections are done according to concepts of grounding, chakras or energy grids. I offer Crystal therapy as a stand alone or combined with Reiki as well as Crystal Grids designed specifically for your needs.

"We are healed from suffering only by experiencing it to the full"
Marcel Proust

Upcoming Events
- Tue, Sep 013 days of energy work during the full moon